Eric Kaler, New U of M president. I just met him!

 This Morning I was fortunate enough to meet the new U of M President. I also heard him answer some very tough questions at a forum two days ago. As I was listening to him, I thought, “It’s as if he has graduated from Toastmasters, learned the English language from Shakespeare, and learned how to pinpoint the answer to a major issue before you can finish explaining the problem!” I think we will watch in awe, the improvements that he will make at that school!

When will the ice be off Lake Minnetonka? Ice melting off a lake means spring and melts away spring fever.


Everyone is anxious for the ice to be off the lake. We live in an area where we get cabin fever at this time of the year and we just can’t wait for one of the first signs of spring; the ice totally melting off the lake. istock_000005379973small1istock_000001025366small

Many people try to predict the exact date, people have “Ice Off” parties, and the winter blaas just seem to melt away along with the ice!

It is tax time. Deductions, exclusions, rebates, expenses, can I just get an extension?

I'm over my head. It's tax time!
I’m over my head. It’s tax time!

So I’m starting my taxes and it’s a little overwhelming. When you have your own business, and when you are your own business, it seems to take a long time to go through all the paperwork to get your taxes to the accountant. I think I will just go take a nap!

Do you want to move off the lake…

If you want to move off the lake, it is easier to just move yourself, not your house too!If you are moving off the lake, just move yourself, not the house. It's too much work!

VirginiaThe Phone is Starting to Ring!

The phone is starting to ring again

The phone is starting to ring again

The phone is starting to ring again. For a few months, I felt like the Matag repair man. I couldn’t figure out why my phone wasn’t ringing. Were there no sellers or buyers out there that needed my help? I just couldn’t figure it out. Then, last month, my phone started to ring again. Sellers were talking about wanting to listen to me about price. Buyers were thinking the bottom was here, or at least near, and they wanted in. I am “back in the saddle again.” Yea!! Spring has indeed Sprung!!

A relatively Good Law Firm

I used to work with my brothers and father at a family owned law firm, Miles Lord and Associates. It is a “relatively” good law firm. Here is a link to their website

picture-019.jpgThese are my brothers. They run the law firm along with this nice man;