Shady docks cause quite a stir on Lake Minnetonka!

The following links contain the most recent news concerning the shade from docks supposedly jeopardizing the health of Minnesota lakes.

The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District held a meeting last week to listen to lakeshore owners comments concerning the potential restricting of docks. From the dozens of people I have talked to about this issue, one of the strongest reactions was, “How on earth can they expect people to share docks? I must say, as a realtor, I know that if that happens, those property values will certainly go down! The recent article in the Star Tribune is a most read. If you want some entertainment, read the comments also. Although I could not attend the meeting on Wednesday, I understand the overall opinion from the lakeshore owners was to leave the docks the way they currently are.

This is good summary of the history of the D.N.R.’s regulations.

The following reports by the D.N.R. explain the role of the D.N.R. in regulating docks throughout the state, and, discusses the public meetings held in several cities within the last few years.

An environmental committee under the L.M.C.D. was appointed to review and determine issues surrounding dock ordinances. This is the findings of the technical review committee.

Now you know more than most people about the potential flora and fauna problems under the waters of Lake Minnetonka.

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